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Variables are one of the most fundamental tools in any programming language, and Ruby is no exception. They allow us to give names to things in our programs, making it easier for us to understand and manipulate data. In this lesson, we will cover exactly what a variable is, why they are useful in Ruby, and how to use them in your programs. So let’s dive into the world of Ruby variables!

What’s A Ruby Variable?

In simple terms, a variable is just a label. It is a way to give names to things in your Ruby programs, similar to how we give names to real-world objects. For example, when we say “apple”, you know exactly what we are referring to without having to describe it to you. That’s the power of variables – they make our code more readable and easier to understand.

Why Are Variables Useful in Ruby?

Variables are useful in Ruby for several reasons. Firstly, they allow us to store and manipulate data in our programs. This means we can perform calculations, compare values, and much more. Secondly, they make our code more organized and easier to maintain. By giving names to different pieces of data, we can easily refer back to them later on in our code. Lastly, variables also help us avoid repetition. 

How to Use Variables in Your Ruby Programs

To use a variable in Ruby, we first need to create it by assigning a Ruby object to a variable name. This process is known as variable assignment. Let’s look at an example:

age = 32

Here, we have created a variable called age and assigned it the value of 32. Now, whenever we type age in our code, Ruby will translate it into 32. Go ahead and try it out in your own Ruby environment!

It’s important to note that there is nothing special about the word age – we could have used any other name for our variable. For example, we could have used bacon = 32 and the value would still be 32. 

We can also combine multiple variables together in our code. For example:

age = 32

multiplier = 10

age * multiplier

Here, we have two variables – age and multiplier – and we are using them together to perform a calculation. The result of this calculation will be 320, which we can then save into a new variable called total:

total = age * multiplier

If you are running this code from a file instead of an interactive Ruby shell (IRB), you will need to use a method like puts to see the value of the variable. For example:

puts total

This will print out the value of total (in this case, 320) to the console.

Ruby Variable Types

In Ruby, we have different types of variables. So far, we have only seen what are known as local variables. These are variables that are only accessible within the current scope of our program. In other words, they can only be used within the specific block of code where they were created.

There are also global variables, which can be accessed from anywhere in our program. These are denoted by a $ symbol before the variable name. For example:

$global_variable = "Hello"

Another type of variable in Ruby is the instance variable, which is denoted by an @ symbol before the variable name. These variables are accessible within a specific instance of a class. We will cover classes and instances in more detail in a future lesson.

Lastly, we have class variables, which are denoted by @@ before the variable name. 

Human hand on laptop keyboard with program code

Practice Time!

Now that you have a good understanding of variables in Ruby, it’s time to put your knowledge into practice! Below are some exercises for you to try out:

  • Create a variable called name and assign it your name. Print out the value of this variable to the console;
  • Create two variables – num1 and num2 – and assign them any numbers you like. Then, use these variables to perform a calculation and save the result into a new variable called total. Print out the value of total to the console;
  • Create a global variable called $language and assign it your preferred programming language. Print out the value of this variable to the console.


In this lesson, we have covered the basics of variables in Ruby. We learned that variables are simply labels for things in our programs, and they make our code more organized and easier to understand. We also saw how to create and use variables in our code, as well as the different types of variables in Ruby.

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