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Sorting collections, an operation frequently required in Ruby programming, is streamlined thanks to Ruby’s array of built-in methods. This guide elucidates these methods, offering insights into their mechanisms and the scenarios they best suit.

Ruby’s Built-in Sorting Methods

Ruby provides several methods for sorting data structures:

  • sort: Returns a new array with elements sorted;
  • sort_by: Facilitates advanced sorting based on specified criteria;
  • sort!: Modifies the original array, sorting its elements in place for enhanced performance.

Understanding the nuances and applications of these methods enables more effective data manipulation.

Advanced Sorting with sort_by

sort_by offers sophisticated sorting capabilities, including sorting based on string length, contents, or numerical properties, through a simple yet powerful syntax:

words = %w[foo test blog a]words.sort_by(&:length)# => [“a”, “foo”, “test”, “blog”]

Sorting In-Place with sort!

For scenarios where performance is critical, sort! Alters the original array, conserving memory and processing time:

numbers = [5, 3, 2, 1]numbers.sort!# => [1, 2, 3, 5]

Custom Sorting Techniques

Ruby’s flexibility allows for customized sorting logic, accommodating complex conditions and enhancing the adaptability of sorting operations:

strings = %w[foo test blog a]strings.sort { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length }# => [“a”, “foo”, “test”, “blog”]

Sorting Strings and Alphanumeric Values

Sorting strings containing numerical values often requires a tailored approach to achieve the desired order:

music = %w[21.mp3 10.mp3 5.mp3 40.mp3]music.sort_by { |s| s.scan(/\d+/).first.to_i }# => [“5.mp3”, “10.mp3”, “21.mp3”, “40.mp3”]

Organizing Hashes with Sort Methods

Sorting a hash by its values or keys transforms it into a multi-dimensional array, which can then be easily converted back into a hash:

hash = {coconut: 200, orange: 50, bacon: 100}sorted = hash.sort_by(&:last).to_h# => {orange: 50, bacon: 100, coconut: 200}

Implementing Multi-attribute Sorting

For data with multiple sorting criteria, sort_by effortlessly manages primary and secondary attributes:

events.sort_by { |event| [,] }

Exploring the Quicksort Algorithm

While Ruby’s built-in methods are efficient, understanding the underlying algorithms, like quicksort, enriches one’s computational thinking:

def quick_sort(list)  # Quicksort implementationend

Performance Comparison of Sorting Methods

A comparative analysis reveals the efficiency trade-offs between different sorting approaches, guiding the choice of method based on performance requirements.

MethodEfficiencyBest Use
sortHighSimple sorting needs
sort_byModerate to HighComplex sorting criteria
sort!Very HighIn-place sorting for performance

Video Guide

To answer all your questions, we have prepared a video for you. Enjoy watching it!


This comprehensive exploration of Ruby’s sorting capabilities demonstrates the power and versatility of sort, sort_by, and sort! methods. By mastering these techniques, Ruby programmers can efficiently organize data, tailoring the sorting process to the specific demands of any project.

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