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In Ruby programming, soliciting and processing user input is a common requirement. Ruby simplifies this process through two essential methods: gets for reading input and chomp for refining it. This guide explores these methods, providing insights into their effective use.

Utilizing gets for User Input

The gets method stands as Ruby’s straightforward approach to capturing input from the user. When gets is called, the program pauses, awaiting input termination with the Enter key, returning the input as a string:

puts “Enter your name:”name = getsputs “Hello, #{name}”

Enhancing Input Handling with chomp

While gets captures the entire input, including the newline character (\n), chomp is used to remove this character, cleaning the input for further processing:

name = gets.chompputs “Hello, #{name}, welcome aboard!”

The Role of Newlines and Special Characters

Understanding the impact of special characters, like the newline (\n), is crucial. These characters can influence string comparison and output formatting. Employing chomp mitigates these issues by stripping the newline character from the input string.

Advanced Input Manipulation: chomp vs. chop vs. strip

Beyond chomp, Ruby offers chop and strip for additional string manipulation needs:

  • strip removes whitespace from both ends of a string;
  • chop eliminates the last character of a string, irrespective of its nature.
”   Extra spaces    “.strip”Unexpected end”.chop

Removing Characters from the Start of Strings

Occasionally, removing characters from the beginning of a string is necessary. This can be achieved through string slicing:

str = “Mr. John”str[0..3] = “”  # Removes “Mr. “

Disambiguating gets: Kernel#gets vs. $stdin.gets

Ruby provides two versions of gets: the default Kernel#gets, which attempts to read from files, and $stdin.gets, which consistently reads from user input. Use $stdin. to avoid errors when the program unexpectedly seeks a file input:

name = $stdin.gets.chomp

Comparative Table

MethodFunctionalityUsage Scenario
getsReads a line of text from user input, including newlineBasic input capture
chompRemoves the trailing newline from a stringCleans user input for processing
chopRemoves the last character of a stringGeneral string manipulation, not specifically for input
stripRemoves whitespace from both ends of a stringPreparing strings for comparison or storage
$stdin.getsExplicitly reads from user inputAvoiding file read errors, ensuring input capture

Video Guide

To answer all your questions, we have prepared a video for you. Enjoy watching it!


This exploration into Ruby’s gets and chomp methods illuminates their essential roles in user input handling. By mastering these methods, developers can create interactive, user-friendly Ruby applications with precision and ease. Continue expanding your Ruby knowledge with further tutorials and practice.

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