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In the realm of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), classes serve as the foundational framework, enabling the definition of blueprints for object creation. These blueprints specify common attributes and behaviors of objects, facilitating the creation of distinct yet related instances.

Defining a Ruby Class

To define a class in Ruby, utilize the class keyword, followed by a capitalized class name and the end keyword to encapsulate the class’s body:

class Bookend

While an empty class may seem rudimentary, it establishes a template from which objects can be instantiated.

Instantiating Class Objects

Classes primarily function as templates for creating objects, encapsulating methods, instance variables, and constants. Objects are instantiated using the new method:

book_instance =

This process, known as instantiation, results in an “instance” of the class, embodying a unique entity with its own identity.

Enhancing Classes with Methods and Variables

The utility of classes is significantly amplified by incorporating instance methods and variables, defining the actions objects can perform and the information they hold:

class Orange  def initialize    @juice_available = 100  end
  def squeeze    @juice_available -= 50    puts “Juice reduced, now: #{@juice_available}”  endend

Instance methods dictate the capabilities of class objects, while instance variables store object-specific data, accessible only within the class unless exposed through an accessor method.

Identifying an Object’s Class

Determining an object’s class in Ruby reveals its blueprint and the methods it supports, offering insights into its potential actions:

orange = Orange.newputs orange.class# Output: Orange

This knowledge facilitates the effective utilization of objects by understanding their properties and capabilities.

Further Learning and Resources

Exploring classes further unveils advanced concepts such as the initialize method, accessors (attr_accessor, attr_reader, attr_writer), inheritance, and the profound insight that classes in 

Ruby are objects themselves.

  • Ruby initialize method;
  • Accessors: attr_accessor, attr_reader, attr_writer;
  • Inheritance in OOP.

Comparative Table

Class DefinitionEstablishes a blueprint for objectsTemplate for creating objects with common properties
Object InstantiationProcess of creating an instance from a classGenerating unique entities from a class template
Instance MethodsActions that objects of a class can performDefining behaviors accessible to class instances
Instance VariablesData unique to each instance of a classStoring object-specific information within a class
Class IdentificationDetermining the class from which an object is instantiatedUnderstanding an object’s capabilities and lineage

Video Guide

To answer all your questions, we have prepared a video for you. Enjoy watching it!


This guide has illuminated the process of defining and utilizing classes in Ruby, underscoring their pivotal role in Object-Oriented Programming. By mastering custom class creation, developers can craft reusable object blueprints, laying the foundation for sophisticated, modular Ruby applications.

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